March 29, 2015


I'm not sure how I did it, but I managed to get through finals while a bunch of friends flew in simultaneously from Hawaii. Since they're on vacation so is my brain, which made it difficult for me to focus strictly on projects and presentations. It was well worth the sacrifice because I truly enjoy the company. Kev and I always try our best to make time for anyone who visits. 
Highlight of the week was finally getting the chance to meet Shay and Kelsey. Who my guy friends date is of utmost importance to me, and it's hard for me to take an instant liking to certain people. Thankfully, it was a breeze getting along with these ladies. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit worried. Our double and triple dates were much more fun because we 'vibed' well together. I'm genuinely happy for all of my boys to finally be in good healthy relationships. 

March 27, 2015

Spring Style

"Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking." Personally I'm not a fan of floral on myself, but it's obviously a given for Spring. Here's a few Spring inspired outfits that I pinned on Pinterest. Follow me if you'd like! These photos make me crave cute pastels, statement sunnies, fun prints, oversized hats, and a bangin' beach bod. 

March 19, 2015


March 18, 2015


Leo: Good, 'cos we're racing for pinks. 
Danny: Pinks? 
Leo: Pinks, you punk! Pink slips! Ownership papers!
Ring any bells people? I'm talking about Thunder Road from one of my favorite movies Grease. Who knew that the race scene was shot in a dry riverbed right under the 6th street bridge? 

March 11, 2015


My recent trip to Vegas was.... UH-MAZING thanks to my mom and dad! I literally spent 4 days straight with them, which is a little overwhelming for me just because there's only a certain amount of my parents I can take before they start to annoy the hell out of me. Regardless, I'm very grateful to have them because they honestly take such good care. Apart from family time I also got to have dinner with my friend Sarissa. I haven't seen her since she moved which was about 2 years ago. 

Omg and the best thing of life happened. I actually won! I've been to Vegas countless amount of times and I've never ever won from gambling. After dinner with Sar, I randomly decided to play before heading up to my room. Surprisingly I won $1173 from only putting in a $20 bill. Oh Vegas, every time I think I'm over you, you somehow reel me back in. LOL, viva Las Vegas!