July 24, 2016


Please excuse my little hiatus. The past three months have been hectic as hell. Let me catch you up on what's been going on in my life. Ready? 
As you know I finished my Merchandise Marketing program at FIDM in March, and I landed my social media marketing internship with 2020AVE soon after. My family flew down for my graduation at the end of June, and that lead to a mini Vegas getaway and some family fun at Universal Studios. My boyfriend and I just celebrated our 7 year anniversary on July 6th so we took a spontaneous road trip to San Francisco for a couple of days. A week later I started my Business Management program at FIDM. Currently I'm wrapping up my internship at 2020AVE, and I'm looking for another one (a paid internship to be exact).  I've just been so preoccupied lately, but I'm coming back. Don't sleep on me just yet.

Follow me on Instagram @krystalcal
If I ever go MIA again, you can definitely catch me posting on the gram.